Setup new Integration
Last updated
Last updated
Now that your account is created, it’s time to set up a new integration. An integration works like a placement where you choose which FaceVerify services you want to use and where they will be applied.
Once your are logged in, Select Integration Tab to set up your new integration
Click on Add Integration and fill up the information asked
Integration Name
This is only for your internal reference
Callback URL
This is the url/website where your customers/users will be redirected after completing verification.
Webhook URL
This is where you will get notified about verification events by a POST request, like : Verification started, Partial done, submitted, Rejected, Approved.
Verification Type
This basically refers to your verification needs, it can be both face and id or face only and even documents only.
Set as Production
By default it's off, which means you can use this for test proposes and to understand verification flow, once you are ready to go live, you can turn on to production mode